NYC Lic. #: 1328593 | Nassau Lic. # H18H3540000 | Suffolk Lic. #: 44604H | Long Beach Lic. #: 2795 | Floral Park Lic. #: 469 | Conn. Lic. #: Hic0632431 | Vil. Of Mastic Lic. #: 0506 | E. Hampton Lic. #: 8183 | Yonkers Lic. #: 5472 | Westchester Lic. #: WC-25646H13

Beyond the Iron Triangle: Building a Roof That Lasts

Have you ever heard of the “iron triangle” of service? It says you can only have two out of three things: good, fast, and cheap. This blog post throws a wrench in that outdated notion, especially when it comes to something as crucial as your roof.

Why “Good” Isn’t Negotiable

At Marcor Construction, we believe “good” shouldn’t even be a question. A quality roof protects your most valuable asset – your home. Sacrificing quality for speed or a lower price tag can lead to disaster down the line. Think about it this way: a poorly constructed roof will likely leak, require repairs sooner rather than later, and could even compromise the structural integrity of your house. In the long run, “cheap” becomes extremely expensive.

The Myth of “Good and Cheap”

The iron triangle suggests slowing down the work can magically make it cheaper. This isn’t true. Sure, you might spread the cost out over more time, but the work itself will still require the same level of expertise and materials.

The DIY Trap

Some homeowners attempt the “good and cheap” route by tackling roof repairs themselves. This can be a costly mistake. Without the proper training and experience, it’s easy to miss crucial details or simply not create a structurally sound roof. When you realize the DIY approach wasn’t worth it, you’ll end up paying a professional to fix the mess, negating any initial savings.

Timely Quality: The Marcor Difference

While speed alone shouldn’t be the top priority, our roofing experts at Marcor Construction understand the importance of completing the job in a reasonable timeframe. A roof that takes too long to complete can leave your home vulnerable to the elements.

Our Commitment: Good, Fast (when possible), and Transparent

We strive to deliver exceptional service (“good”) efficiently (“fast” when project timelines allow). We achieve this through:

  • Experienced and properly insured roofing professionals: Our team has the expertise to tackle any roofing project with precision and speed.
  • High-quality materials: We use only the best materials to ensure your roof lasts decades.
  • Clear communication: We keep you informed throughout the process, so you always know what to expect.

Don’t settle for the iron triangle’s false choices. Marcor Construction offers a better solution: a quality roof built efficiently and at a fair price. Let us help you safeguard your home with a roof you can trust.

Contact us today for a free consultation!

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NYC Lic. #: 1328593 | Nassau Lic. # H18H3540000 | Suffolk Lic. #: 44604H | Long Beach Lic. #: 2795 | Floral Park Lic. #: 469 | Conn. Lic. #: Hic0632431 | Vil. Of Mastic Lic. #: 0506 | E. Hampton Lic. #: 8183 | Yonkers Lic. #: 5472 | Westchester Lic. #: WC-25646H13